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- Date: Sat, 4 Jun 94 20:43 BST-1
- From: Andre Willey <andre@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Subject: DEFAULT.SYS: Draft proposal, 4/6/94
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- Message-Id: <memo.293393@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Precedence: bulk
- I have added the various new suggestions from the group to this proposal, and
- formalised one or two things. Comments and discussion on this new proposal are
- welcome. When everyone is finally happy, we can put it to a vote to formally
- ratify it. Is anyone from Atari US/US/Germany on this list as yet? I think we
- need to contact them for their input if we are to get anywhere with either of
- the two proposals currently being discussed.
- Proposal for the creation of a system-wide 'default settings' lookup file
- =========================================================================
- Andre Willey (andre@cix.compulink.co.uk) 6 Jun 1994
- It is proposed that we designate a new system file, to be called DEFAULT.SYS,
- which will be used to configure all application programs so that they use a
- common set of keyboard shortcuts, as defined by the user. In the longer term,
- this same file will be easily extensible to support other system default
- settings - but for now let's just get the keyboard stuff sorted out!
- The DEFAULT.SYS file will be located in the root directory of the current boot
- drive, and may be accessed by any program in order to configure itself to the
- user's wishes. If such a file is not found, the default keys should be set up
- as per the general keyboard shortcuts proposal (managed by Ofir Gal).
- General file format
- ===================
- DEFAULT.SYS will be a plain ASCII text file, using <CR><LF> line ends, which
- can be edited manually by the user, or optionally via an editor program or CPX.
- The first line will be a unique header, to indicate that what follows are a
- series of keyboard shortcut lines. I suggest:
- # Keyboard_Shortcuts ; Optional Comments (e.g. language translations)
- All subsequent lines, until another definition line starting with '#' is found,
- will comprise either a simple comment line (starting with ';'), or a keyboard
- shortcut definition of the following form:
- 0 ^Q ; Quit
- ^ ^ ^
- | | Comment text (not parsed; can be any language, or indeed several)
- | |
- | Keypress (user-editable. Uses syntax listed below)
- |
- Code number, unique to a given operation (e.g. 0 for Quit, 1 for Close
- Window, etc.)
- [Note: The series of actual code numbers will not be created until the default
- keyboard shortcuts list is approved, at which stage each one will be assigned a
- unique code number]
- Each application which supports this new system should read the DEFAULT.SYS
- file during its installation process. When it finds a "# Keyboard_Shortcuts"
- header line (which currently will be the first line of the file, but don't
- presume that to be the case for ever) it will parse each subsequent line and
- assign the requested keyboard shortcut to the appropriate internal operation.
- Not all codes will apply to all types of program, so an application should only
- bother parsing those codes which it understands and requires (all other codes
- should be ignored). Some programs may only need a couple of shortcuts - perhaps
- even just 'Quit' - and it is entirely up to the programmer to decide how many
- shortcuts he/she wishes to support.
- The application should cease looking for keyboard shortcuts as soon as it comes
- across any line starting with a '#' character, or when it reaches the end of
- the file. I suggest, for convenience's sake, that we allow for a "# EOF" line,
- but at this stage that is implied anyway.
- Naming conventions for shortcuts
- ================================
- It is proposed that we use the following terminology to refer to keys (both
- within the shortcuts file and in menu entries):
- Tab, Spce, Caps, Ret, Del, Bksp, Esc, Help, Undo, Ins, F1-F10, Clr (Home?)
- Numeric keypad keys should be shown as [1], [2], [+], [-], etc. Thus, to
- conform, Enter should be shown as [Ent], rather than just Enter.
- Arrow keys are shown as the ASCII arrow symbols (ASCII 1-4) within square
- brackets (this avoids clashes with up-arrow for shift and right-arrow for
- submenu, etc.)
- Modifiers: ASCII 1 (up-arrow) for Shift. ^ for Control. ASCII 7 for Alt.
- Modifiers should be displayed in the above order. Alt-Control combinations
- should be avoided wherever possible.
- Menu options
- ============
- Ideally, every shortcut that directly represents a menu option should be shown
- as part of the text of that same menu item. However, there are going to be some
- shortcuts that don't physically fit into menus. This can't be avoided (e.g. a
- user sets up Shift-Control-Alt-Undo, or some such). An application should put
- shortcuts into its menus *where it has space to do so* - but if it can't for
- any reason, just flag that menu option as having a shortcut which doesn't fit.
- For the sake of argument, shall we agree on using the ASCII 240 character for
- this purpose? If possible, an application should allow up to 6 characters of
- space for shortcuts in menus (this is only a guideline; some applications won't
- be able to do this).
- Clashes
- =======
- If a user-requested shortcut clashes with another shortcut setting (perhaps for
- some 'specialised' internal command for which we don't yet have a shortcut code
- defined) the user-requested shortcut should be honoured, and the internal
- operation becomes unassigned. i.e. the user's requirements are satisfied first,
- the programmer's second.
- To help alleviate this problem, application-specific shortcuts (e.g. DTP, MIDI,
- Database, etc) will have ranges of numbers assigned for their use only, which
- all other types of program should ignore. I propose assigning blocks of 1000
- codes (e.g. 0-999 for defaults, 1000-1999 for DTP, etc). This should allow more
- than enough entries, and make the divisions more obvious when examining the
- file. We need to decide on useful categories, but this could be done later in
- the standard and need not hold up the basic default system.
- The golden rule for parsing codes should be "if your program doesn't understand
- a code, ignore it".
- If, for some daft reason, the user tries to assign the same shortcut twice - or
- they have used the same code number twice - follow the same rules and throw
- away the existing copy and use the new one (i.e. don't write any extra code to
- cover this eventuality; treat it like an internally defined code is being
- overwritten). Any DEFAULT.SYS editor programs should watch out for and prevent
- such internal clashes, though.
- Finally
- =======
- If this standard is to be accepted, we must keep it SIMPLE. Esoteric and
- complicated solutions to specific problems probably won't help endear the
- system to programmers. If must be easy for the user to understand, and for the
- program to handle, or it simply won't get used.
- Andre
- +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
- | Andre Willey | Cygnus Software Development |
- | Email: andre@cix.compulink.co.uk | Sutton Coldfield -- England |
- | or: ...{mcsun}!uknet!cix!andre | Tel: (UK/+44) 021 308 5251 |
- +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+